Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 2

Today we went river rafting on the Chirripo River and it was great! A few of us fell in the water, we are all safe. Some students jumped into the river from a 20 foot rock ledge. On the way to the hot springs we saw a howler monkey and a sloth.In the afternoon we drove to the Arenal Volcano and went into the hot springs which was very relaxing after all the paddling. Check out our pics! Click on the pics to maximize them!


  1. It looks like everyone's having a great time! Keep in touch, we love the pics.

  2. great pictures - anyone left in the creek without a paddle? good luck on the horseback ride today!!

  3. Hola a Todos,
    Gusto en saber que todos han llegado con Bien y que se la estan pasando muy bien. Las fotos son esepcionales sigan tomando mas fotografias. No se les olvide traerse un perezoso!
    Besos y abrazos
    Los Breindel's

  4. Wow! River rafting...Impressive.
    Great pix and vid.
